Ryan's moved out! My baby brother is leaving us and entering the college world! It's scary... *sigh*. He moved to my grandparent's house which is closer to the University of Memphis where he's going. And also because we're going to be moving to the great state of Mississippi ssoonn. lol I wonder if I'll start talking like a Mississppian? Surely not, but if I do, don't make fun of me! :D So anyways..or anyway..I gotta run..adios!
Your baby brother, eh? If I'm not mistaken, Stace felt the same way when i moved out..:D Who am I kidding, lol!? She was ecstatic when I moved out!;) So, I take it your house is coming along? Sounds great! Any chance of getting a pool since you don't like lakes?:D
hey lydge, dont feel too bad about moving to Missippi, I was born there.
Yea dont start tawkin' like a 'Ssippian or I'm gonner have ter make funner ya. ;)
Oh, that hurt my eyes. Such abuse of the English lanuage! Are there really people who talk like that?
Ryan does have a blog, but I don't remember the site.
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