Tuesday, August 30, 2005

LAN party time!

Well the boys are having ANOTHER LAN party.. for those of you who don't know what LAN is...
LAN stands for Local Area Network (had to ask my mother bout that).. and it's when a bunch of people (in this case 6 guys) get together with their computers and hook them together, and play games against each other. Then they play ALL day...only stopping to eat and get a few hours of sleep...and then they wake up and do it all over again until they have to leave. :) So anyway..I have a date with a pie! adios!


polemic turtle said...

Sounds like they could use a good article I'm writing.. But... for now, this is very hush-hush, ok? Ok. :-)

cpuaggie said...

I love doing that sort of thing! Only, I like to do it with X-Boxes and Halo 2!!:D It's a smashing good time!

beatrice said...

Oh my. You have my sympathys, dear! I wish I could be there to help you maintain your sanity!
(I think we did a good job of that at the GC meeting!)