I suppose I should actually write something for a change...and stop being so lazy about it. :)Okay, well.
So far this Summer's been fantastic. True, the first couple of weeks after school let out were rather dull..but things sped up rapidly after that. Harmony Hill this year was, I believe, the best HH I've had yet. Just tons of good old fun. Unfortunately though, I didn't have a camera handy to take with me then. So..no pics. :(
But then we had Camp Moriah the week after that, and I was able to take pictures, as you see by the earlier posts. Camp was lots of fun as well.
And...then we had Boot Camp..which I just got back from on Thursday night. I did get to bring a camera then, so I should have some pictures up here....whenever I feel like uploading them.
If you want to know all the exciting and mischievous deeds done, you can look here and read the post titled "...Here's To You!..." Good stuff, that.
The only other pretty big thing happening next that I know of is our meeting at Grace Chapel, which you all are invited to, of course. It's going to be July 20-23, and we'll have services Thursday morning through Sunday night. To get details on where you can stay, you can call Sister Judy Guess, our pastor's wife.
So...I'm really really really excited about it. We've been so blessed in the past, and we're praying that God would send the Holy Spirit to us once again. Y'all try to come!
I agree with you whole-heartedly!!!! This was the best HH yet! And Boot Camp was amazing...especially Wednesday night. Hehe...
Wish I could make it to the meeting. Take pictures for me, will you?
Hey I am glad that you had a good time at HH and boot camp.
I wish I could have come..maybe next year
see ya at your meeting!
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