This is me shooting a freethrow. I got so many this last game. Though, I don't think I made very many of them. In this game, we played against Faith Heritage. They weren't very good, but I guess somewhat better than us, because they won. We probably could have beaten them if our first half of the game was better. I don't think any of our heads were really in the game that first half, but the last half we were much more aggressive. Don't laugh, but the final score was 16-11....arg. Oh, sorry about my lack of posts. My mind has been blank for ideas lately. I am going to post a pic of our log cabin soon though. Well, must run...

Cool! Wish I could have been there! Good...er...blessings with your next game!
You shot some great free throws that game.
try wearing a headband, they really help your inside, rebounding game a lot ;)
hope yall do well for the rest of the season, dont give up!!!
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