Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hm..what to post about?

I have no clue what I am about to post on, so... be prepared.

Biology. Lately in Biology I've been studying about bacteria, molds, and fungi...sound interesting? It is, very.. and somewhat disgusting. I learned that they let mold grow on beef and then when it's covered, they scrape it off, leaving the meat tender and very delicious. I kinda wish they wouldn't make us learn that stuff, I'd much rather not know about that. Burgers are not very appetizing anymore.

What else comes to mind...

College. I've been wondering and praying about what I'm going to do after I graduate. College has crossed my mind, but I want to be sure that God is calling me to that first. I've thought about majoring in some field of nursing, but I don't want to be so into my job and career that I can't quit when I need to. But, I do have a couple of years left in highschool to think about it.

Can anyone tell me what this quote is from?

"It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;-- it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others."


Cal-el of Krypton said...

If you're looking for insight.. here's my two cents: You mentioned nursing. Now call me biased but look at it realistically... there is a HUGE nursing shortage, once you pass boards YOU ARE FOREVER A NURSE you don't EVER have to take the NCLEX again! Let's say you are working and meet the guy of your dreams.. you decide "I want to be a stay-at-home-mom" so you quit you spend the next 30 years raising a family (which your choice of profession has also made you a better mom) and after 30 years you think you might like to go back to work: you take some "Continuing education" classes(note these are not "college" classes so it won't take you long), brush up on your clinical skills, update your license with your state's Board of Nursing.. and you pick back up RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT OFF!! Grrrreat profession! and IF you're looking to get away for a little while.. may I recommend Bevill State (the number 1 ADN school in the state of Alabama)!!

fa-so-la-la said...

No no no, the quote is Marianne from Sense and Sensibility! Remember, right after Mr. Willoughby (sp?) 'rescues' Marianne?

beatrice said...

Oh Lydia, I already miss you.

Marjoniqua said...

Sense and Sensibility.