THREE MORE WEEKS!!!! until the students at Poe Academy get out of school.
And what a day that will be, when no more schoolwork I shall see. When I look to my teacher's face, when she'll say "you may erase!" What a day, glorious day that will be.
ahem...that didn't exactly flow very well, but it expresses my thoughts well enough. :) haha
just thought I'd post something besides pictures...or a song... :)
love y'all!!!
Amen! May 19 for me. I can't wait.
okay..woah, I just realized how stupid that post sounds..
summeritis must be getting to my head..
Are you going to come to the Tyler PBC meeting the weekend before HH?
it is uncertain at the moment...if I do ride in the Blue Van, then probably yes. But as I said..it is uncertain.
Yay! I have three more weeks left, too!...and I think summeritis is contagious. I actually sang your glorious-end-of-the-school-year song. Haha.
Its gotta be frustrating to have to keep on hearing from all these college guys "man its so good to finally be out, and to get this stuff over with." Not to mention Ryan being home now probably doesnt help with that situation. And then your like "man just three more weeks of this!!!" and that three weeks seems like an eternity.
I know its hard, but just hang in there, and finish strong. I'll be praying for you and all the others trying to finish up around now, I know its still hard even if not like the load of college. Hope it all goes well. ;)
Finishing in two weeks! I can't wait.
Oh, and High school can be as challenging as college Joe, even if you don't think so.
Will, I've been through HS, and the easy part of college, and trust me college is definently a lot more challenging.
Well, have you ever tried teaching yourself, Calc 1,2, and 3 along with Physics and Advanced Physics? I dare say, that is as hard, or harder than college.
to Will: Wow. That sounds like a lot of work. I can't imagine teaching myself Alg 2!
to Will and Joe: Both HS and college are tough...though i don't know about college from experience, its common knowledge. Simmer down, you two. Let's not have any virtual fist-fights. lol...
now boys...can't you two stop fighting for one minute? I can't even leave my blog for a day without y'all starting up another argument.. ;)
He started it. Come, let us go at it for once. Please?
well, okay..but just one argument a post...k?
"He started it."
o yea real mature
sure those Calc classes are harder, but do you think its easier in college? depends on what you take, but they go up to higher levels in college.
*puts up fists at Will*
My calc book is a college book. You can't take Calc 3 in HS without a college book.
*Punches Joe
and you say that Calc 3 is as high as you go in college?
Besides another course in deferintial equations (which is only part of Calc) yes. It is the highest Calc course you can take. You can take stat. and other courses that you really can't compare to Calc.
so your saying that stats is not as advanced a math course as Calculus even though its a higher level?
*lays a right jab on Will*
I don't know that for sure, but they are to different to be able to compare them. That is like comparing history to english.
but we're not talking about whether HS or college has harder Calc. classes. We're talking about which one is harder in general, and college takes the cake on that one.
No, I don't think it takes the cake. The classes may be harder in college, but your mind is more developed and therefore, you must count that into the equation.
So, it could be that college is easier, because you got a head start in HS. So there.
guys....I told you. ONE argument per post...
Well, we were only have an arguement on one thing. Doesn't that count?
That one argument per post is just Lydia's excuse to make us make more posts to get our points across, so that she can have more comments on her blog. :P
haha, no...but I don't want bajillions of comments just on this one post. But whatever, i don't care.
yes you do :P
Of course you do. Everyone wants "bajillions" of comments. :)
Yea but she's required by law not to say that she does, so that she doesnt appear self-righteous.
y'all are mean. :-P
Who's law is that joe? I don't follow it, does that mean I am going to jail.
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