It's December! And only 21 days till my birthday! I am definitely ready to age another year too. :) Also another good thing that happens in December is our meeting. The time when almost all of my friends come together....it's so fun. But it also makes it extremely sad when it's time for everyone to leave. Ryan's birthday is coming up soon too. In 8 days. I know what I'm going to get him already, but I can't say because one day he might just decide to visit my lowly blog. :)
Must run, adios!
Happy Birthday, just in case I forget when the time comes.
O and Happy Birthday to Ryan too, just in case I forget his I can reference him to this page and show him the date of this post. ;)
Happy early b'day!:) Hope I can make it to the meeting!
I visit your "lowly blog," quite often, actually. If you wrote more, I'd visit more.
Anyway, happy b-day to us and all other Decemberanians!
Happy Birthday everyone.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I can't wait until y'all's meeting!
I am having a hard time getting something for andrew for christmas
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