Thursday, November 03, 2005


We finally have internet!!!! And we've moved! And I'm really ready to get moved into our house! And I don't know why I keep saying "And" with an exclamation!

Okay, that was dumb, sorry..:) Anyway I'm really glad to be back. Mostly lately I've been doing school, and trying to finish Sense and Sensiblity so I can read Alice and Wonderland so I can discuss it with Kris at Boot Camp. Oh, and I've decided to delete my I probably will tomorrow sometime. Adios!


joe4444 said...

dont delete your blog!!! its like the main link to go to from my blawg!!! and people will still read it and stuff even if your inactive, your just that popular.

cpuaggie said...

Don't delete it!!!:O

Gracie said...

I just don't have anything to write about ever..and no, I'm not popular. So...why keep it?

joe4444 said...

Just post pictures and stuff and comment on them, its what I do when I have nothing interester to talk about. :D

and if you think your unpopular, check out how few posts I get on my blawg, and i actually work hard to promote it and stuff, and you've already outshined me with this one post.

Nomos said...

She's got a point...

Just kidding. Do whatever you want, Lydia. That's the great thing about blogging: you are in control.